Saturday, October 12, 2019

Kitzmiller v. Dover Area School District Essay -- Church State Argumen

In cases having to do with constitutionality, the issue of the separation of church and state arises with marked frequency. This battle, which has raged since the nation?s founding, touches the very heart of the United States public, and pits two of the country's most important influences of public opinion against one another. Although some material containing religious content has found its way into many of the nation's public schools, its inclusion stems from its contextual and historical importance, which is heavily supported by material evidence and documentation. It often results from a teacher?s own decision, rather than from a decision handed down from above by a higher power. The proposal of the Dover Area School District to include instruction of intelligent design in biology classes violates the United States Constitution by promoting an excessive religious presence in public schools. The Dover Area School District of Dover, Pennsylvania is seeking approval from the General Assembly of Pennsylvania House to include the theory of intelligent design in the instruction of biology. Intelligent design, also known as I.D., is a theory that seeks to refute the widely-accepted and scientifically-supported evolution theory. It proposes that the complexity of living things and all of their functioning parts hints at the role of an unspecified source of intelligence in their creation (Orr). For all intents and purposes, the evidence cited by I.D. supporters consists only of the holes or missing links in evolutionary theory; it is a widely-debate proposal, not because ?of the significant weight of its evidence,? but because ?of the implications of its evidence? (IDnet). House Bill No. 1007?the bill in question?propos... ...20Biology%20Curriculum--011005.pdf ?Dover Area School District Biology I Planned Instruction/ Curriculum Guide.? Dover Area School District. ?Edwards v. Aguillard, 482 U.S. 578.? Pepperdine University School of Public Policy. 1987. ?House Bill No.1007.? The General Assembly of Pennsylvania. 2005. ?Lemon v. Kurtzmann 403 U.S. 602.? FindLaw for Legal Professionals. 1971. ?Walz v. Tax Commission of City of New York, 397 U.S. 664.? FindLaw for Legal Professionals. 1970.

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