Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Web Class Room Essay Example For Students

Web Class Room Essay How to Go From Class-Room to Web-Room as Painlessly as Possible1.0 ABSTRACT Getting your course onto the World Wide Web (WWW) is best doneusing a systematic approach. There are a number of steps that need to be takenprior to starting any of the actual web work. Meetings should be held withvarious groups within your institution. Once the actual coursework is begun,there are some essential components and some optional components. There arespecific skills and talents that you either need to acquire or you need toaccess. Each web-based course is unique, but they often have many components incommon. Some are essential, others may be optional. Resources can be found onyour campus, from the many web companies and from the web itself. 2.0 KEY WORDS World Wide Web, WWW, Distance Education, HTML, Web-BasedInstruction3.0 INTRODUCTION The number of degree credit courses available on the WorldWide Web (WWW) has increased at the same astonishing rate as other activities onthe WWW. There are some specific steps that can be taken that will help totransport the professor from the idea stage to the delivery of a course over theWWW. Also, just like any other educational technology, web-based instructionworks better for some situations than others. Web-based instruction is usefulwhen you want to create a virtual environment which is not easily or, perhaps,safely accessible. An example is sending learners to a virtual nuclear lab or ona virtual tour of the Louver in Paris. 4.0 WEB BASED INSTRUCTION Web-based instruction it allows learners to gainknowledge and skill more effectively than traditional methods. Simplytransferring material such as lecture notes to the web is not using thetechnology to its best advantage. Lengthy text such as lecture notes are, infact, best printed because most learners experience eye strain and sensorydisinterest reading long passages of text on a screen. Some specific situationstend to lend themselves to web-based instruction. 4.1 Encouraging CommunicationYou want to encourage communication through conferencing. Through internetconferencing learners may participate in discussions or group work with oneanother with or without the participation of the instructor. Role plays,simulations of historical events and debates are also examples of how learningcan be facilitated through the conferencing option. 4.2 Accessing SourceDocuments You want learners to use source documents to completeassignments such as conducting an analysis or designing a project. These sourcedocuments may not be readily available to learners or perhaps, based on theassignment, will not be equally significant to all the learners. For example,you may ask learners to research and analyze issues pertaining to Canadianelections. To complete the assignment, various learners may access archivedinformation such as newspaper and journal articles which specifically relate totheir particular interest or point of view. One example is a site operated bythe University of Victoria (http://web Fetal Alcohol Syndrome Essay8.0 RESOURCES (This list does not constitute an endorsement on anyones part. These resources are a jumping off points to help you get your course on theweb.) Please do not overlook the many resources on your own campus. 8.1 Myresources page This site has links to courses, resources, helper sites that aidyou in choosing which type and format of media to use, sites that check yourHTML for errors or idiosyncrasies, and much more. Conferences, on-line or face-to-face NAWeb 98 The Virtual Campus (October3-6, 1998). This international conference is in its fourth year. It is intendedsolely for those developing courseware for delivery on the WWW or for thosedelivering courseware over the WWW. 8.3Books, listservs and associations Badrul Khans Web-Based Instruction (EnglewoodCliffs, NJ: Educational Technology Publications, 1997) is quite good. I host theWWWDEV listserv. This listserv hosts the NAWeb conferences, and has 1400 membersfrom around the world developing for delivery over t he WWW or actuallydelivering courseware over the WWW. The DEOSNEWSlistserv is involved in all aspects of distance education. You can join that oneby sending this message SUBSCRIBE DEOSNEWS your name to This is who and what they are: DEOS-L is a service provided to the DistanceEducation community by The American Center for the Study of Distance Education,The Pennsylvania State University. Opinions expressed are those of DEOS-Lsubscribers, and do not constitute endorsement of any opinion, product, orservice by ACSDE or Penn State. The Canadian Association for Distance Education(CADE) can often help The Association for Media andTechnology in Education Canada (AMTEC) is another favorite of mine. every and any resource you can. Join groups for support, and support othersin similar projects. This is a rapidly emerging field, and it is evolving andgrowing just as fast as it is emerging. 8.4 Other He re is where you add ideasyou pick up at the conference. BibliographyThis site has links to courses, resources, helper sites that aid you inchoosing which type and format of media to use, sites that check your HTML forerrors or idiosyncrasies, and much more. Conferences, on-line or face-to-face NAWeb 98 The Virtual Campus (October3-6, 1998). This international conference is in its fourth year. It is intendedsolely for those developing courseware for delivery on the WWW or for thosedelivering courseware over the WWW. 8.3Books, listservs and associations Badrul Khans Web-Based Instruction (EnglewoodCliffs, NJ: Educational Technology Publications, 1997) is quite good. I host theWWWDEV listserv. This listserv hosts the NAWeb conferences, and has 1400 membersfrom around the world developing for delivery over the WWW or actuallydelivering courseware over the WWW. The DEOSNEWSlistserv is involved in all aspects of distance educatio n. You can join that oneby sending this message SUBSCRIBE DEOSNEWS your name to This is who and what they are: DEOS-L is a service provided to the DistanceEducation community by The American Center for the Study of Distance Education,The Pennsylvania State University. Opinions expressed are those of DEOS-Lsubscribers, and do not constitute endorsement of any opinion, product, orservice by ACSDE or Penn State. The Canadian Association for Distance Education(CADE) can often help The Association for Media andTechnology in Education Canada (AMTEC) is another favorite of mine. every and any resource you can. Join groups for support, and support othersin similar projects. This is a rapidly emerging field, and it is evolving andgrowing just as fast as it is emerging. 8.4 Other Here is where you add ideasyou pick up at the conference.

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